Earth's Place in Space
The Planets, the Sun, the Moon are just a few things within the universe. NASA has done a great job extracting the many parts of our Solar System. To make these parts come alive, our curriculum invites learners to manipulate the exploration of Earth’s place in space. The concentration of galaxies and stars allows students to investigate the complex development of our Solar System. In this room, the rockets and astronauts display amazing space adventures through our fantastic Solar System. Intergalactic Adventures interactive environment empowers learners to recognize that there is more to understand about the Solar System. During Intergalactic adventures thrilling moments, students are utilizing high-order critical thinking skills while experiencing active fun.
gravity Matters
Let’s face it! Gravity matters. Everything is made of matter and it has two fundamental properties. These properties are better known as space and mass. Gravity is the force that pulls these properties together. The more mass, the more gravity. In this room, as learners investigate the properties of gravity, they will acknowledge key vocabulary words, compare the different components of matter and study the physical and chemical mechanisms of matter. Fulfilling awesome tasks, students will experience educational stimulation in a fun atmosphere.
beyond the outer reaches
Sometimes going beyond our Earth doesn’t require a space shuttle. Intergalactic adventures provides students with a first hand experience where they learn about our incredible telescopes such as the Jason and the Hubble Space telescope. Here, students also learn about weight in space which is incredibly different from weight on Earth. Their hands on experience is like no other. Not only do they learn the proper use, they will also learn fascinating information about what lies out of our reach.
Planets here! Planets there! Planets everywhere! Our fascinating universe is composed of incredible planets that come in all shapes and sizes. Although humans have dedicated many years to research, there’s a lot more to uncover. However, with the help of our scientists, we are able to marvel at the interesting facts, helpful information and amazing pictures that they have already discovered. In this room, students have close interaction with some of the things our scientists gathered about our universe and its planets. This blasting planetarium is not only a spectacle, it also educates our children about the solar system and its magnificent properties.
MAC (Missions, Astronauts and Careers)
Not all heroes wear capes; some wear space suits. These heroes are astronauts. Without their sacrifice, we would be lost in space. Their dedication to a space program is quite impressive. Think about it. They leave their home planet to live in a spacecraft for weeks! It can be hard to be away from family and friends for such a long time. Sleeping isn’t the same either. They sleep in a sleeping bag that is strapped to the wall, floor, or even the ceiling of the space shuttle. While in space, there’s a lot of work to do; they aren’t just relaxing and admiring the views. And of course, there’s adjusting to Earth’s gravity when they return. But even with all of these difficulties, astronauts continue to travel on several missions. Each time they return, they teach us something new and valuable about our universe. In this room, students learn about the astronauts who helped create our current platform. They also learn about the careers in the aerospace industry, such as Astronautical Engineering, Meteorology, Oceanography, and more.